Years ago I was inspired after seeing that masters of consciousness were able to digitally record energy intention which created physical changes in water within 20 minutes. I felt led to find a way to use this to help people open up their conscious awareness and become more aware of their inter-connectedness with all that is.
People open their awareness to take in the beauty of artwork, therefore, by combining art and energy intention, we can boost an individual's conscious state very quickly. I use these art pieces while providing psychic coaching to my clients and they are also available for purchase, but each piece is imprinted with a specific energy signature that is created for that one person. My clients are loving this and they feel encouraged to move forward with their own personal experiences connecting with the Great Spirit. ~ Jen Kruse, CRMT Certified Reiki Master Teacher ABOUT JEN KRUSE - click here! ANGEL PORTALS - more info Click Here! |
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